
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Update--Finally

I finally realized that I never updated the scavenger hunt to tell you what I did to my site! Thank you, dear readers, for leaving comments with your guesses on the scavenger hunt. You all have a keen eye!

Ben and Borealis before they were finished
After much thought, I changed the background and style of the New Avenue Crew site. I also added more button links at the top, removing some of the things from the sidebar and putting them into their own separate pages. The two new pages are Album and Links.

The Album page is a family album of adopted Crew members. I hope you'll visit and tell me what you think. Do you have a favorite? The Links page contains a listing of blogs by other creative sorts. Even the Guild of Master Bearcrafters now has a blog, which I've added to the list. There is so much creativity in the bear world!